Can you leave the door open?
2023, video, 3m43
Ava is a child with a limitless imagination. She is a
city kid who loves to play in her bedroom and letting herself get carried by her
vivid dreams. Sometimes her dreamy fantasies find a way out of her porous
bedroom walls and she finds herself riding on her mini motorcycle on infinite
highway tunnels. Sometimes, reality finds its way back into her bedroom
bringing her into dangerous situations.
How thick can the child’s bedroom walls be? The
films points at the boundaries and ambiguous limits of the child’s imaginary
when facing violence.
Click here for watch-link

Written, directed, produced, edited, set, color grading: Maïa Taïeb
Cast: Lou Elie Dit Cosaque (main character), Mihali Pavlopoulos and Shai Dakauter (playing thugs)
DOP: Mostafa Heravi
Gaffer: Abel Andel
Clothes: Rémy Guerra
Music: Elia Taïeb
Help with set building: Maya Tricoire, Astrid Ardagh, Logan Muamba, Paula Megija Kārklina
Help on set: Surim Kim
With objects from Clara Rojas (glass cups) and Mariana Charrua & Iiris Riihimaki (wooden curtains)
Infinite thanks to Nirit Peled, Margarita Kosareva, Jean Pierre Taïeb, Gideon Van Der Stelt, and the whole Grootenboer family.
Filmed at Tungsten Studio, Gerrit Rietveld Academie VAV- moving image